Postpartum Training

Postpartum is forever; whether you just gave birth, or your children are adults. That is why our postpartum training programs evolve with you. 

Western society places a lot of pressure to “bounce back” from pregnancy. But you are not the same person you were before pregnancy; you are a new creation! You have evolved: your muscular-skeletal system, nervous system and hormones have evolved. Let’s embrace and celebrate that!

With emphasis on core and pelvic floor, the postpartum training gets you ready to return not only to any pre-pregnancy fitness, but to your daily life. 

In addition to immediate postpartum rehab, the postpartum program can be tailored to help resolve core and pelvic floor dysfunctions like urinary incontinence, prolapse or diastasis rectus abdominis (DRA). 

We currently offer in-person training in Fallbrook, CA but can make arrangements to train in your home gym if preferred.

Custom Postpartum Programming
Custom postpartum programming tailored to your specific goals, regardless of postpartum season. 

Enrollment includes:

✔️ Programming tailored to YOUR goals 

✔️ Fits your schedule (2, 3, or 4-day per week)
✔️ Any fitness level or experience
✔️ Access to your coach and weekly check-ins.

✔️ Bonus! Local referrals to add to your recovery team

In-person coaching is available to add-on as needed at a discounted rate.

Prices vary depending on your needs/wants. Contact us for a free consultation to develop your own custom training package. 

Small Group Postpartum Classes – $160-180
We offer a 4-week postpartum education and healing series quarterly at a local gym. Contact us for an upcoming class or check out our Events page. 

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